Saturday, May 06, 2006

I Fell Off the Weight Watcher's Wagon, But I'm Back - 2nd Time

Yes, I'm back..... 3 weeks I've been silent, you say? Yes, you're right....
I've watched my diet but haven't kept track of points nor measured my weight. Almost 3 weeks ago I had my weigh in and I was happy. Yes, there was a total of 15lb weigh loss that put me on top of the group. I lost 15 lbs in my 1st month and a half of the program. I wanted to lose 30 lbs by the end of May. If I lose 20 lbs, I'll be extremely happy. I'm going back to the weigh in on Tuesday. Let's see what will happen then.
I will not write about my total points per day from now on, nor list in depth what I've ingested. If you have any comments, please participate in my blog. I'll reply promptly.
I feel slimmer and I'm happy I started with WeightWatchers. I think the first few weeks of the program made me more self aware of what I need to eat and when.