Saturday, January 19, 2008

Join My New Online Social Network: Get In Shape Together

My battles with weight loss and intimate knowledge of health issues and medical care have inspired me to create an online edu-social network about health and well-being.
Visit our site:
Visit our edu-social network:

2008 - Dieting Again

2008 Resolution:
1. Go down from 217 to 185 lbs. by eating healthier - yes, following the ol' Weight Watchers' and exercising more - morning workout sessions of 10+ minutes would help
2. Ensure that future blood tests turn out ok - no more high sugar, cholesterol, and saturated fats....
3. Stick with a daily routine of brisk walking, healthy eating, and 6+ sleep hours.
Hope it works....

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Day 1 - The Diet-Sequel

Ok, new diet. Day 1.

Weight: 211 lbs
Height: 6'
Age: Late 30s

What I did differently: 50 push-ups and 50 pull-ups and played in park with son for 1/2 hour or so;
What I did the same: Ate too much delicious Brie in the morning; ate what was offered to me without regard to Weight Watchers points, calories, or fat content.....

Tomorrow I start eating differently....

Need to get back in shape,

Guilt kept me from writing since August.
Yes, I've gained weight. I'd say I'm about 40 lbs heavier than when I first began the diet. I must begin again what I started. Amazing how one forgets the healthy feeling and tries to fill up, in search for it.....
Wish me luck - We start on APRIL 1st.... and I'm not Foolin' Ya..... Promise...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Still going strong and losing weight

The weight loss is still working. I haven't weighed myself lately, but I feel I lost between 25-30 since March. It's important to eat breakfast, use sweetener in coffee and tea, stop drinking soda, and eat less before bedtime - hey, it's worked for me....

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Weight Watchers helps you keep your lbs off

I've been out of the program for almost 2 weeks now. At the last meeting on May 29th, I was happy to learn I've lost 22 lbs. since I started on the program in March.
I'm not counting my points now but am making smarter choices when I eat in and out. I am eating more breakfast and less dinner. I'm doing a little exercise routine each morning which invigorates me. I rarely drink coffee now. I feel more energetic and have a more positive self image. I encourage everyone who is concerned about health and weight to do something about it. I did, and in a little time I accomplished so much. It's worth it.
Good luck,

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I Fell Off the Weight Watcher's Wagon, But I'm Back - 2nd Time

Yes, I'm back..... 3 weeks I've been silent, you say? Yes, you're right....
I've watched my diet but haven't kept track of points nor measured my weight. Almost 3 weeks ago I had my weigh in and I was happy. Yes, there was a total of 15lb weigh loss that put me on top of the group. I lost 15 lbs in my 1st month and a half of the program. I wanted to lose 30 lbs by the end of May. If I lose 20 lbs, I'll be extremely happy. I'm going back to the weigh in on Tuesday. Let's see what will happen then.
I will not write about my total points per day from now on, nor list in depth what I've ingested. If you have any comments, please participate in my blog. I'll reply promptly.
I feel slimmer and I'm happy I started with WeightWatchers. I think the first few weeks of the program made me more self aware of what I need to eat and when.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Day 32 4/14/2006

Friday was an interesting day. We left at around 7AM, returned at around 8:30 when I promptly went to sleep. Most of the time was spent driving at 10-20 mile per hour through congestic traffic on "beautiful" Southern California freeways.....


2 pts -- Coffee with 2 spoons of brown sugar
6 pts -- 2 Pepperidge Farm Oatmeal Cookies

10 pts - Outback Steak HouseGrillers Beef ( 6oz beef - 6 pts approx. serving of rice is 4 pts approx.)
2 pts - 1/2 cup French Onion soup, just the liquid
4 pts - various rice cracker snacks

Total: 24 pts :)
Weekly Points: 32 pts

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Day 31

2 pts - Coffee with 2 teaspoons of brown sugar
3 pts - Trader Joe's Oat Meal
2 pts - Small Banana

4 pts - Smart Ones Southwestern Chicken Bowl
2pts - Golden Delicious Apple

2 pts - 2 3" corn on the cob
3 pts - Smart Ones Asian Vegetable Steak
2 pts - serving of vin rouge
0 pts - mixed greens with lemon juice/salt/pepper dressing
4 pts - various rice crackers snacks
3 pts - Smart Ones Chocolate Eclair

Total - 27 pts
Weekly 35-3 pts over for today= 32 pts
:) not bad....
Notice how I'm eating a lot more points worth during breakfast and lunch? I think that's helping. Tomorrow we're going to some more job interviews so we'll be out on the road - let's see how it goes... :)