Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Day 24


2 pts - coffee with 2 teaspoons of brown sugar
2 pts - Quacker Oats w water
3 pts - Nature Valley bar

4 pts - Smart Ones Chicken Marsala
4 pts - 3 servings of Rice Cakes

0 pts -Mixed Green Salad with pepper/salt/lemon juice
8 pts - steamed white rice with serving of baked sole
2 pts - Quacker Oats with water
2 pts - mixed fruit serving

Total today 27 pts - now I have a 24 pt per day max, so I went over by three points.
Total weekly - 35 - 3 = 31 pts

I need to start exercising again, though there are several major stressors keeping me from having enough rest this week....
Not too bad, though. :)

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