Sunday, March 19, 2006

Day 11

Today (Saturday 3/18) was the teacher job fair day in Long Beach - a bit of stress involved, coupled together with waking up in a hotelroom and returning home at 9PM, it can explain why the diet wasn't as usual. Still, I've worked on self restraint in the dietary arena. :) Imagine that we revisited the same Pizza Hut restaurant of last Tuesday, where we purchased 2 medium pizzas, and I ate only 1 slice, while focussing on the salads....

0 pts - coffee, no creamer, sweetener
2 pts - Quaker Oatmeal

8 pts - Wasabi Rice Crackers (4 servings in the car)

14 pts - 6 pts. 1 slice pizza at Pizza Hut and 8 pts. 2 mixed green salad bar visits with regular italian dressing
2 pts - 1 serving fresh strawberries
Total Points - 26 pts -- :)

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