Thursday, March 30, 2006

Day 18

5 pts - Bowl of Trader Joe's Organic Golden Flax Cereal with 1/2 cup of fat free milk and serving of Trader Joe's Dried Apricots
2 pts - Serving of Orange Juice

2 pts - 1 boiled egg
0 pts - 1 coffee with sweetener
3 pts - 1 Smart Ones Double Fudge Cake

5 pts - Michellina's Lean Gourmet Spaghetti and Meat Sauce
4 pts - 2 servings of Quacker Oats
2 pts - serving of various cut fruit
3 pts - 3 home-made wraps, each with 1/2 serving of 97% fat free ham, with traces of sauerkraut, and fat free, point free lavash bread
0 pts - 1 coffee with sweetener, to help me finish my Eng 610 Multicultural Literature paper tonight
Total Daily Points: 26 :)
Total Weekly Points Ballance: 35+2 pts exercise (100x push ups and pull ups)= 37 pts:)
I will return on Sunday, as I'll be away for a business/job-search trip - hopefully the food I'll eat will be healthy and within point limits - I'm starting to feel good again. :)

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