Thursday, March 23, 2006

Day 15

Stressful day - got through with CAHSEE testing of over 110 EL students, and started work on my final assignments due this week for my Multicultural Literature class, my 1st class of my 2nd MA voyage.... I was a bit hungry today, but used that nervous energy to get things done instead. Tomorrow will be more stressful, unless I get the class online discussion entries completed.....
Today's Diet:

3 pts: Trail Mix Fruit Mix Bar
0 pts: Coffee with sweetener
2 pts: Glass of OJ

10 pts: 2 hotdogs w mustard and several carrot sticks

1 pt: Instant Miso Soup - SeaWeed/Wakame
0 pts: Salad w carots/cauliflower/broccoli with lemon juice
4 pts: Michelina's Lean Gourmet: Salisbury Steak (got 10 for $10 from Albertson's)
3 pts - Chocolate Exlair

Total: 24 Pts -2pts from daily 26 pts :)
Weekly Points: 35 Pts -- I will need these points for Saturday - both my and Michael's B-Day party where we'll indulge in high point-value foods....

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