Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Day 16 - The Return

Today I started the diet again.
Here's what I ate:

2 pts: 1 packet of Go Lean Hearty Honey and Cinnamon w/water in the microwave
0 pts: 1 coffee with sweetener
3 pts: English muffin with a little cream cheese
2 pts: Orange Juice
1 pt: 1 serving of VitaVigor Grissini Breadsticks

4 pts: Michelina's Shrimp Scampi
3 pts: 1 1/2 servings of Gewurztraminer, Vintage 2003 Fetzer
0 pts: various vegetables/no dressing

Oh my, I've eaten less than my regular diet days. It must be that rotten flesh of spicy buffalo 50+ wings still in my stomack that kept my hunger at bay.....
Today's Total: 15 pts
I should stay as close to my daily max as possible, and save the weekly points for dire emergencies... Tomorrow I start exercising....

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